



The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms

Architects Negligence Claims

The majority of architects are regulated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) together with the Architects Registration Board (ARB). Our team have a firm understanding of the rules that govern the profession, the levels of competence expected and what can go wrong from erroneous advice and inadequate planning to negligent building works.

Architects Negligence Solicitors

We provide tailored support and a hands-on partner led approach, working closely with both insured and insurer to understand the specific needs of each individual case. 

It is essential that the whole process is managed efficiently from start to finish. Delays can lead to difficulties in reaching a successful outcome. So get control of the situation now and call Charlotte Waters on 0207 993 6960 or Email Charlotte Waters and we will respond accordingly.

Legal Expenses

With our close link to specialist brokers we can also provide advice on BTE (Before-the-event) Legal Expenses Cover and ATE (After-the-event) Legal Expenses Cover in Professional Negligence Cases.  Ensuring our clients are fully aware of all options available and allowing costs and risk to be managed effectively.

For more information on how Fisher Scoggins Waters can make a difference to any Architects Negligence Claim, please contact us by telephone 0207 993 6960 or email Charlotte Waters.

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