



The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms

HSE Expert Solicitors

HSE Investigations

The HSE may investigate you if someone reports or complains that there has been an incident or injury in the workplace. Investigations are conducted in accordance with the HSE Enforcement Policy Statement and aim to determine:-


  •  The causes of the incident,      
  • Whether any action is required (or has been taken) to prevent a repeat occurrence of the incident.      
  • Whether any action is required to ensure compliance with the law.      
  • What response should be made to any breaches of the law.

It is important that you are fully aware of all the relevant details about the incident and your current position.  With the New Sentencing Guidelines and Fees For Intervention the financial costs and custodial sentences that can be handed down can be disastrous.

Get Control

Fisher Scoggins Waters can provide you with advice and support throughout the process. We will be able to take you step by step through the process, advising on the powers that an inspector has under Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (the HSWA) and/or powers of the Police under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE).  Please contact us on 0207 993 6960 or email Charlotte Waters.

HSE Interview Under Caution.

If an individual or business is found to be (or suspected of being) in breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) or related safety regulations then you will be interviewed under caution.

You will need to seek representation from a solicitor when an interview is required. It is vitally important to know your rights whether you are being interviewed by the Police or a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Inspector. Anything that is said or done during this time can have a significant bearing on the defence of the case.

Be Prepared

Fisher Scoggins Waters Solicitors have expert knowledge in defending criminal prosecutions and Health and Safety prosecutions. We offer full advice and legal representation throughout the process. Please call Charlotte Waters on 0207 993 6960 for more information about HSE Investigations and Interviews.

HSE Prosecution

The HSE will prosecute if there was found to be a breach of the relevant Health and Safety Law. It is essential that you seek expert legal representation.

We will give sound tactical advice on Basis of Plea, Defence, Mitigation and Penalties. Our team will provide advice and representation throughout the HSE prosecution process.

HSE Prosecution Defence Solicitors

If prosecution is unavoidable, our HSE Defence Solicitors provide a wealth of experience in dealing with Health and Safety prosecutions. We will give sound tactical advice on Basis of Plea, Defence, Mitigation and Penalties. Our HSE Solicitors will provide advice and representation throughout the prosecution process.

For more information on how Fisher Scoggins Waters can make a difference to your Health and Safety issue, please contact us on 0207 993 6960 or email Charlotte Waters.

Our related health and safety services include

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Contact Us

Michael Appleby

Email :

0207 993 8264

A Health and Safety Leader

What others have to say

  • "Top of the tree for prosecutions and Investigations"

  • "Outstanding specialist practice..."

  • "This fiery firm..."

  • "A small ...but high powered unit"

  • "Clued-up... a clear, practical approach"

  • "Personalised tailored service"

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